About us

Rondo Community Land Trust (CLT) is a community based affordable housing and commercial land trust operating in St. Paul and Suburban Ramsey County. As an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, Rondo CLT builds community wealth and neighborhood stability through the development and stewardship of permanently affordable homeownership opportunities, rental housing, commercial space, and other community assets.

Rondo CLT deeply understands the historical role property ownership has played as a means to build wealth and exercise decision-making power.

Yet, those opportunities were not afforded to all individuals and families equally. Today, economically marginalized communities continue to face significant barriers to gaining access to housing and commercial space, whether that be in a rental or ownership capacity.

Challenges in Equitable
Housing Access

Today, economically marginalized communities continue to face significant barriers to gaining access to housing and commercial space, whether that be in a rental or ownership capacity.

To build community assets that combat these challenges, we manage a diverse set of projects and programs that utilize the land trust model to move land from the for-profit, speculative market into shared equity, community ownership, and mutual control.